Our Services

Health Awareness Campaigns (Medical Camps & Health Checks)


Health & Wellness


Prostrate Cancer Checks


Other Health Talks

"It is health that is the real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver" ...Mahatma Gandhi                                                                 

One of the greatest man that ever lived, Mahatma Gandhi, father of modern India believed that a country's real wealth is not in the things it produces or the industries it establishes, rather a country's real wealth depends on the health of its citizens.        

Here in Sir Clement Chuku Foundation (SCCF), we believe that the health and wellness of the people is the most important factor in developing the nation. To this end, we have conducted medical and health check-up camps where people were tested and screened for Prostrate Cancer diseases (PSA) and other health related issues common with the tropics environment in which we live.
During the medical camps, we put in place our best efforts to treat patients and provide them with medication and other medical aids. The medicines which the presiding doctors prescribed to the patients are provided free of charge at the camp venue.

Education & Scholarship AID


Beneficiaries of SCCF Schorlaship Support


Beneficiaries of Free Waec Registration


Beneficiaries of Free Classes for Students

"Education is the key to unlock the golden doors of opportunities".  
                                                ...George Washington Carver.   

As the saying goes, we believe in the power education and what it can give to the young people of this nation. "Education is not a luxury of the rich but also the right of everyone including the under privileged". At SCCF, we believe every child have a right to free and compulsory education.

To this end, we instituted the Education support and scholarship aid that offers every child a chance at pursuing their educational endeavours and by extension the opportunity to gain admission into the universities both at home and abroad.
As a first step, the foundation embarked on free registration of SSCE & WAEC examinations for indigents students. Since 2021 to date, we have successfully enrolled over 160 students and have also place them in free preparatory classes towards ensuring that all of them come out in flying colours as well as motivating teachers to improve their teaching methods, attitude and skills towards attaining the right standard and quality of education as available elsewhere in the world.

Vocational Training Program

"'..If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime".    ...Pouplar Chinese proverb.                                                                
In contemporary African society, most girls from poor and marginalized background experience discrimination in access to learning opportunities and economic resources. Available data and statistics show that many families with limited resources give boys preference in accessing and continuing schools and as such their female counterparts do not even have the opportunity to finish high school education for various socio- economic factors. Because of this ugly trend, many women do not have access to a decent job and lack a voice in their families and the society, hence facing economic hardships and independence challenges.

To address and minimize this trend, SCCF is instituting a Vocational training centre that will provide women with technical skills such as tailoring, hair-dressing, bakery and catering services etc that can improve the livelihood options and socio-economic standings of these women thereby leapfrog many out of the vicious circle of poverty.
Most of these women work as labourers in farms and during off farming season are faced with economic hardships including poor nutrition leading some of them to venturing into prostitution as a means of survival.

The training is designed to last for a period of 6 months and beyond and during this period, they will recieve a small incentives in form of stipends to attend the training as they will not be able to engage in work during this period of time.                  

At the end of the program, those who were able to successfully complete their training module will be given Starter Kits to start a small business of their own. With this in view, the overall aim of the project is to empower basically rural women through sustainable livelihood and improve their living conditions.

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68-27 Fresh Meadows Lane,
Fresh Meadows, Flushing
Queens NY, 11365-3420

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